Friday, August 27, 2010

30 by 30 #25–Get a great permanent job

This was a big one.

For the last year, I have been working as a copywriter, which has been a really great job with fun people that I really enjoyed. The only problem was that I was on a one-year contract, covering someone's maternity leave.

As the end of my contract drew nearer, I had to start thinking about the future so I didn't find myself unemployed again. I knew that my boss and co-workers liked me, but that's not really enough.

Turns out my hard work all year paid off because they offered me a job. In fact, they offered me the job I was already doing and really enjoyed! The woman who came back from maternity leave was given another job that ended up suiting her really well.

And so, I'm not a permanent employee at a job I really like and didn't even have to give up my desk! Awesome!

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