Monday, October 25, 2010

Another couchsurfing weekend

Our couchsurfing friends Barbara & Jochen stayed with us again this weekend. It was really nice to have a couple people over on a Friday night instead of just me and my dog. We watch old episodes of The Office, which does have a German version, but it's very different apparently. The American version is much funnier.

On Saturday we did go to the film festival. I definitely didn't love the movie (or the overly long self-centred Director's Q&A), but Barbara and Jochen seemed to like it, so that's good.

After the movie, we had a Settler's of Catan re-match, with AJ participating this time. AJ even won a game! I still can't beat them.

On Sunday AJ and I carved our pumpkin - design to be released next weekend.

I love weekends!


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