Thursday, October 21, 2010

Barrie Film Festival

The Barrie Film festival has been going on for the last two weeks. AJ signed up months ago to volunteer. He is all about the film festival movies. Especially the documentaries. Me, not so much.

I find film festival movies, local or otherwise tend to be very artsy and not very plot-driven. This is about the opposite of what I would request in a film. I like movies for their ability to entertain me and transport me into a story. Much like books. I'm all about fiction, while AJ loves non-fiction.

Last year, AJ and I saw Art & Copy, a film festival documentary about advertising. Being my chosen profession, I was definitely interested and really enjoyed it.

This year, there are a few that might look interesting, but nothing I couldn't live without seeing. However, our couchsurfing friends are coming back for another stay and they want to go see This Movie Is Broken, which is one of the few films I thought maybe I would enjoy.

So, on Saturday I'm going to check out the movie while AJ sells tickets. I'm sure it will be great, but I'll probably still go back to my guy meets girl, guy screws things up, guy and girl make up and live happily ever after movies.


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